I never really thought about my dream life before... I do know that I would really love to have tons of pets. As a dream of course. I would have at least 2 dogs. One would be a golden retriever or something and I would have a beagle. I think that I would name my pets probably something tropical and unique like Fuji or Pina Colada. :)Then I would have at least 5 fish including the one I still have because I know shes gonna live that long cause she has to. Im gonna have a bunny (a blond floppy eared), 2 guinny pigs (one light brown and one white), a hamster (an orange one), 2 small birds (two parakeets. Blue ones) , 3 cats ( a tabby orange, a gray one and a tuxedo cat :) a chinchilla (gray) and a horse (Clydesdale). :) I would have a giant mansion and I would live here in Surrey. I'd also own other vacation houses in London, Italy and Paris. All my houses would be complete with a giant swimming pool, hot tub, diving board, library( like a GIANT one), a movie room, a music room, a giant kitchen for chefs and stuff (cause I'm not a very good cook ;) ) and there would be stables for the horses and pet rooms, spa's, sports rooms, a giant garage for all my cars and dozens of other rooms... I would probably own a mountain and ski or snowboard everyday. :)  would probably have a ton of servers and waiters and doormen to help with some cleaning because all my houses are so big so they could take care of it while I was at a different house. They would still be treated nicely and they would stay in guest rooms at the house they were taking care of. I would make sure they all could speak either French or English because I would need them to understand me. Preferably English but French is ok it's just my second language. I would have a giant back yard with awesome tree houses. I'm not a hundred percent sure what I want to be when I grow up so I'm just going to say something that gives a lot of money and you're not at work twenty four seven so you get lots of time off. I would want maybe two kids. A boy and a girl probably. I would have awesome purple sports cars. Also I would want to do something really awesome like write a really good book and be kind of famous and have fans but I wouldn't want to be to famous where people try to break into my house kind of thing...I would like to donate lots of money to charities for homeless animals and to the B.C children's hospital. I would have a giant walk in closet with tons and tons of clothes. I would travel A LOT so I'd have my own personnal purple jet. I would probably send my kids to the best private school and whatever one they wanted. I would drive them myself. :) My husband would make a ton of money and be working from 8:30 to 4:30. My kids would be very active and would participate in lots of sports. My daughter would probably play the piano and my son the violin or something. The daughter would do lots of swimming, horse back riding and dance. My son would probably be doing soccer, hokey and football. They could either decide between going to private lessons or they could decide to take public training. They would be polite and kind I think. That is if I decide I even want kids so that depends. Yeah so that's what I want to have and be when I grow up but its just a dream so it doesn't have to come true and I'll probably still have a pretty good life. Ok thanks for reading! :) Adios.

                                   This would be me and my friends skiing and snowboarding on my personal mountain.
                                                 This would be me (it's not me) riding my favorite type of horse a Clydesdale.
                                                         This is my blue parakeet. I would have two of them. :)
                                                                   this is my floppy eared bunny.
                                                         This is one of my many purple sports cars. :)
                                                                         This is another one my purple sports cars. :)
This is my personnal purple jet. I share it and take my friends with me because I travel alot and I can work at home or              on a compuer so I can go wherever I want :).
                                                        This would be the inside of my glamourous purple plane. :)
                                                        This is another picture of the inside fom a different view.
                       I would trael on my own private personnal airline. It would be quite exclusive. I would share it though with a few selected people ;)
                                                         I have tons of maids and butlers who work at my houses.
                                                                        This is my spa.
                      This is my GIANT library with millions of books to read. You'll need a different librarian for each section. :)
                                                   I do decide to have kids then they would both play instruments.
                   This is about the size of all the pools in my back yard. Every single one of my houses would have a pool. :)
                                                      This is my house in Italy. It is obviously a giant mansion.
                                                        This is my house in Paris. It is also a giant mansion.
                                                      This is my house in London. :) It is also a mansion.
                                       Finally, this is my real house in Surrey because there is no place like home. :)