I don't think I have a favorite favorite thing about grade 8 specifically but I like a lot of things. One of the best things would be the fact that we have different teachers for each subject. It's good because if one teacher doesn't like you than probably one will because you have so many so you're bound to get good grades on at least one subject. In elementary school we would normally have one teacher and if that teacher didn't like you then you would get terrible grades in ALL your subjects. I don't get really bad marks or anything it's just a benefit to being in grade 8. Everyone of my teachers have very different personalities and ways of teaching. I also like telling people that I know that I'm officially in highschool because it gives you another layor of respect. You seem alot older when you say you're in highschool than elementary school. Your parents think your older and give you other better responsibilities and freedom. I like having a locker better than a desk because it's almost like your own personnal thing and you can decorate it and stuff. I like being able to walk or bus home because it feels alot more free and also I don't have to have a daycare pick me up :) I like the band trips because their fun and you can learn a new instument and make friends with your classmates. Grade 8 helped me get my phone too because I go home alone so I needed one to be safe. I think that grade 8 is more exciting and theres so many people that you can meet and become friends with I think grade 8 is pretty grate. :)


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2013

