An unhealthy relationship I have is with my brother, Miles. I think that is unhealthy because there is no more trust between us. :( I think that we are afraid of the other lying and so we are afraid to ask for opinions. We do not share, or talk as much as we used to. We fight when we don't believe in what the other is saying instaed of talking it out. We do not think of one another and are quite selfish. I don't think that we depend each other and can even trust each other enough for that. When he is upset, he feels that he cannot confide in me because I think he is afraid of being judged. We are disgusted when forced to share and I think that our relationship is on the verge of disaster. :(
A healthy relationship I have is with one of my best friends Allison. I think I have a healthy relationship with her because I think we treat each other fairly.When she needs to borrow something from me she returns it or if she loses it she replaces it. We treat each other with respect and talk out our problems untill they are resolved. We understand and listen to each other. When one of us is going through a hard time the other will try and cheer you up. I think we have a healthy relonship because we care about each other and is concerned when the other is upset. We have fun together and treat each other like he best friends that we are. She comes over to my house when she feels the need to tell me something and we talk about it together. We are always on the same side but we are not afraid to voice our own opinions. We are not afraid of being judged by the other because we believe in what the other has to say. I think we treat each other fairly and that we have a healthy relationship and I hope it stays that way. :)


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    April 2013

