Smoking is a good example of substance abuse. It has many side effects and can cause some major damage in a persons life. Before you even consider using this horrible drug you should consider the side effects and where it will take you in life. It is one of the number one preventable cause of illness. The most common being cancer. By smoking you are not only putting yourself but also those around you in danger and at risk. First i will go over the minor side effects when you start to show some signs, and then i will show you the more deadly consequences. One of the minor side effects to smoking can be the yellowing of your teeth. Your teeth may start to rot and become really unhealthy. It will start to stink and eventually you will lose your teeth. The stench may also spread to your clothing hair and breath. Even your skin will start to smell.  Another minor side effect would be developping wrinkles at an early age. Your body will start to rot from the inside out and it will only be a matter of time before it shows in your skin colour temperature and appearance in general. You will have a soar throat and difficulties sleeping. It can be really uncomforatble and stressful. Now for the more extreme side effects. One of the most common and deadliest side effect of smoking is cancer. The cancer is most likely to start from the lungs, throat, mouth and even your voice box. It can increase the risk of getting cancer in your stomach, kidney, esophagus, pancreas, cervix, and bladder. You can also have heart and blood problems such as you would be at grave risk of


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    June 2013

