There can be alot of dangers when you are playing games on online chats or even on things like facebook and twitter. As we discussed in class today there can be lots of harm when you are talking or posting things on the internet. For example if someone asks you what type of sport is your favorite you would probably think that oh, it's just a normal qwestion that can't possibly lead to them finding me or whaever but your actually wrong! Sharing information even such as what color your hair is can be very harmful when dealing with people who knows how old on the internet. Sure there may be no harm in answering a qwestion like what's your favorite sport but what about when the qwestions gradually begin to get more and more personnal? The qwestion now is will you know when to stop? When a person starts to want your personnal information he or she will probably take things slow and start with qwestions like what's your favorite sport? Then it turns into what's your favorite restauraunt? Then it can turn to do you live by there too? I bet you go to that school close by! And before you know it you have just willingly given someone you don't know personnal information as in where abouts you live what school you go to and what sports you like to play. Playing games on the Internet that can ask qwestions or can allow you to talk or chat can be very dangerous because giving away information can seem very tempting or easy so in my opinion I think it's best to just not have any accoun like that except maybe an email. If your friends really are your friends they won't care or judge you on what type of accounts you use so if your friends are loyal you should be able to live just fine without that kinda stuff in your life.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    May 2013

