1. Why did Mark create "Facesmash"?

Mark created Facesmash because his girlfriend Erica had dumped him and he was angry and wanted to get back at her and other girls by making them feel insecure when guys compared two girls together to see which one was 'better' and rate them by using the new website that Mark created called Facesmash.

2.  Do you believe that this website could lead to young women feeling insecure about their appearance?  Based on our discussions in class, how do you think most of these women would react to their ratings.

I believe that it could make some young women feel insecure when they see how they are rated because I think they would feel that they were not as great as the other girl because that is how they think other people see them causing them to lose self esteem. It may also cause friends to brake up and for girls to start rivalries with other girls. However, if you were the girl that was prefered of the two you may think highly of yourself which can be a good or bad thing.

3. Do you think Mark was a cyberbully?  Please elaborate?

I think so because when he went onto Facesmash, his blog or even later on Facebook, he wasn't being particularly nice ( to the girls in his school and in particular Erica his X-girlfriend)  and wasn't thinking about how that could hurt them or make them feel and to me that is cyberbullying. When you say mean things to someone without apologizing or at least as a joke and you do not realize or care about what that person may be going through because of that or how it may be effecting them.

4. When does Mark decide to expand the site to other schools? What role did Erica have in this decision?

When he met/saw Erica ( Marks X girlfriend ) and she refused to talk to him. I think it made hime mad and he decided to expand the site to other schools so more people could see the stuff he posted and so more people could post stuff too and as a result he would have more users/viewers and his site would become even more popular than it was before therefor, become even more successful.

5. “I was your only friend - you had one friend,” Eduardo tells Mark across the deposition table. What is Mark and Eduardo's friendship like? Why did it break down?

From the start it showed how they were fairly close best friends and basically partners in crime.So when Mark was in the process of creating Facesmash and Facebook Eduardo became his business partner making them even closer. Later on it shows how after they meet Shawn they are in conflict because of what they think is best for the company. When Eduardo leaves for new York he replaced, left behind and betrayed by the company and Mark in particular. They are now having difficulty trusting each other so their relationship was not good. Then later on Mark fired Shawn and in the end I think everything turned out all right for both of them and they stayed fairly good friends.

6. How did Mark get the idea to include relationship status on Facebook profiles? What explanation does he give to Eduardo for including this on Facebook?

He added it so he and Eduardo could see who in their school was available and who wasn't and so their partners would get in trouble for not posting that they were taken like you see later in the film when Christy or Christena or something, gets mad at Eduardo for not adding or updating that he was no longer single which made her mad causing her to set fire to his garbage bin and bed.

7. “As if every thought that tumbles through your head was so clever it would be a crime for it not to be shared,” Mark's ex Erica snaps at Mark. Why are people drawn to the idea of broadcasting their personal lives on the internet?

Some people are drawn to it for probably several reasons such as some people just use it to talk to a long distant friend or a relative on vacation and some people do it to attract a girlfriend or boyfriend that might be interested so they want the people to see how 'awesome,great or depressing their life is.They may also want to boast about an amazing or fun concert they went to or a mind boggling trip to Disneyland or Hawaii that they may want to broadcast their are probably several different reasons why someone would want to share their personal lives on the internet.

8. “The internet's not written in pencil, Mark. It's written in ink,' states Erica, seething at the comments he blogged about her. Why is the typed word so powerful? Why is it tempting to misuse this power online? What positive things can social-networking sites achieve when used to their full potential?

Well one of the dangerous and tempting parts of the internet is that it is written in ink because whatever you put on the internet STAYS on the internet. Even if you realize that mistake it is to late and irreversible. It may be tempting if you have an old enemy and were still really mad cause it happened yesterday so you don't even think about the consequences so your just so mad and you post some very rude stuff. And even though you know it stays on the internet you just don't care and then later you realize you didn't actually hate them that much and now all their information is permanently online even when later on they go for a job interview and it's the first thing that pops up and then you think what if someone had done that to you. Some positive things social networking sites have achieved when used to their full potential is for example insta messaging to a relative or friend far away or even as far as showing them pictures. Facebook proves to be a good and bad thing depending on certain situation.

9. In what ways does Facebook encourage us to define ourselves? How does this affect our identity and self-image?

It encourages us by asking us questions and encouraging us to share personal information even when you first sign up. It may effect some people by giving some people some self esteem by having them comfortable in knowing they have a place, friends and a life in a sense that they belong and are a big part of something even by just joining and signing up on Facebook. Also, you can post personal information pictures and videos to let other people know who you are and what you are like based on your opinion and other friends comments.

10. How are the themes of 'coolness' and money played out through the film? How do you think users of Facebook will react to knowing that, by sharing their lives publicly, they are allowing someone else to make billions from their personal information?

I think that 'coolness' had a big role in how Facebook became well known. For example from the moment you are aloud to or of age to be on Facebook I know that your friends always demand or question why you don't have or wouldn't want Facebook which puts you in a powerful pressure situation. And a lot of the times that influences what is 'cool'and what is not most of the time it just means 'what everyone ( the popular people) are "into" '. I'm sure everyone has different thoughts on how a person can make a billions from your personal information. But I think it may bother some people but I think that most people are just not aware or just don't care because their is really nothing you can do about it besides be one of the few who do not participate such as myself who does not have Facebook.  

11. Facebook has around 500 million members worldwide. What impact has it had on our culture?

It has had lots of impact and influence on our people today. For example lots of people spend HOURS on Facebook giving them an obsession just cant even help but check it every 5-10 minutes which i think is just to time consuming and they are ust wasting their special moments in life consumed by Facebook.Other people use it for messaging their friends or relatives and other people use it for the pure fact that it's "cool". Nevertheless, lots of people worldwide use Facebook everyday definitely changing the world, for better or worse I cannot tell.


    Hello viewers! Thanks for reading my site! Even though I only created this for homework assignments for my teacher. So saying this i have no idea why you would be reading this or commenting on anything unless you were my teacher.But nonetheless, I will try my best to answer anyone's questions! Ok thanks! Bye! :)


    October 2012

